Hi, I'm Doug Hungerford

Picture of Doug Hungerford

I'm a restaurant consultant who specializes in digital marketing. I'm also the founder of SevenPointConsulting.com. I have worked with thousands of people in the restaurant industry and trained hundreds to work, manage, and operate more efficiently in the sometimes turbulent but ultimately fulfilling restaurant environment. As a digital marketing consultant, I believe this gives me the distinct advantage of knowing how things work on both sides of the counter.

I've had the great pleasure of working with and learning from some of the best in the industry. I've also worked alongside managers, with employees on the front and in the back of the house, and swept the parking lot, and cleaned the bathrooms when duty has called.

I always loved getting deep into the operations of a restaurant and understanding its strengths, weaknesses, numbers, and how everyone and everything worked together. And now I work in a slightly different way. I help restaurants boost their customer base and increase repeat customer visits. There is nothing more pleasing than watching a restaurant's customer count go up, and a once slow, inefficient, money eating restaurant turn into a busy, productive, profit producing-machine.

I've learned over time that there are only two types of restaurants. There are restaurants that embrace the digital marketing arena and become victorious gladiators that gulp up the extra profits that lay at their feet and those that go down in defeat and idly sit by and watch their current and future customers walk into the surrounding establishments. There is a clear and definite path to join the digital marketing arena, and that's what I'm here for. I lead you down the corridor to the arena, and provide you with a revolutionary plan of attack where you can take back what's rightfully yours and bask in the glory of increased customer counts and profitability.